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Information for Local Residents

February, 2025




City Prefectural Tax Returns and Final Tax Returns to Begin

Declaration Period: February 17th (Monday)~March 17th (Monday)

The tax declaration is based on an annual calculation. Those who are duty-bound to declare their taxes, or those who are eligible to receive an income tax rebate should submit the various documents and finish their tax return within the designated period.



Yasu Municipal Hospital Development Project Round-Table Meeting for Citizens

A round-table meeting will be held to discuss aspects of the Yasu Municipal Hospital development project with local residents.

The mayor, hospital director and staff in charge will be present at the meeting and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Date and time: 6:30-8:30pm, Wednesday 12 February.

Place: Main Hall of Yasu Cultural Hall


① 野洲市に住民票がある世帯で、世帯員全員が2024年1月1日時点で日本国内に住民票がある世帯。
② ①に該当する世帯の世帯員全員が、2024年度住民税が非課税である世帯
給付額:3万円/世帯 うち、18歳以下(2006年4月2日生まれ以降)の児童がいる世帯は2万円/児童1人を加算給付。
申請・問い合わせ:市民生活相談課 電話077-588-1712 (平日9:00~17:00)

Information on the Support Benefit for Measures to Cope with Price Increases

Households affected by price increases are entitled to receive a price increase support benefit.

Eligibility: Households falling under both (1) and (2) below on 13 December 2024.
(1) Households that have a certificate of residence in Yasu City and all members of the household have a certificate of residence in Japan as of 1 January 2024.
(2) Households where all household members in households falling under (1) are exempt from resident tax in 2024.
*There are other conditions, so please check if you want to apply.

Benefit amount: 30,000 yen/household. Households with a child under 18 years of age (born on or after 2 April 2006) receive an additional 20,000 yen/child.

Application/enquiries: Citizens' Life Consultation Section Tel: 077-588-1712 (weekdays 9:00-17:00)


2025年度 児童生徒就学援助費申請を受け付けます!
問い合わせ:学務課 電話077-587-6017


Applications for schooling assistance fees for pupils in 2025 are being accepted!

For families in the city who have difficulty attending public elementary or junior high schools due to financial reasons, a system is in place to provide partial assistance for school supplies and school lunches.

Application procedure: by Friday 14 March, fill in the application form and submit it with the necessary documents to the school you plan to attend or to the School Affairs Section (2nd floor of the Human Rights Centre).

(First-year primary school students have until Friday 11 April).

Application forms are available at each elementary and junior high school and the School Affairs Section. The application form can be downloaded from the city website.

In the case of an application submitted in the middle of the school year, certification will be granted from the following month of the month of application.

Enquiries: School Affairs Section Tel: 077-587-6017


自己負担金        外来 1診療報酬明細書あたり500円
                        入院 小・中学校 なし         高校生世代 1日につき1000円

Subsidiary Medical Vouchers for Households with School Students!

When elementary, junior high school students and high school students go to hospital, Yasu City subsidises the necessary medical expenses (covered by insurance benefits). Application forms for the issuance of vouchers will be sent to new first-year primary school students and first-year high school students at the end of February, so please fill in the necessary information and return the form using the enclosed return envelope.

Necessary expenses under this system
Outpatient       500 yen per medical bill

Hospitalisation Elementary and junior high school None  High school age children ¥1,000 per day

第20回 野洲市人権尊重をめざす市民のつどい開催 
日時:2月15日(土) 午後1時30分~4時(受付/午後0時50分~)


   ▽講演「みんなで考える気づきにくい偏見や差別~マイクロアグレッションって何?/ 渡辺雅之さん(大東文化大学文学部特任教授)
問い合わせ:人権尊重をめざす市民のつどい実行委員会(人権施策推進課内) 電話077-587-6041

20th Yasu City Citizens' Gathering for Respect for Human Rights 

Date: 15 February (Sat) 1:30pm-4:00pm (registration from 0:50pm)

Place: Yasu Cultural Hall

Awards and presentations of human rights works

Citizens' thoughts on human rights awareness

Lecture: ‘Thinking together about prejudice and discrimination that are hard to notice - what is microaggression? / Masayuki Watanabe (Specially Appointed Professor, Faculty of Literature, Daito Bunka University)

*Summary transcription (written interpretation) and sign language interpretation will be provided.

Enquiries: Citizens' Gathering for Respect of Human Rights Executive Committee (in Human Rights Policy Promotion Section) Tel: 077-587-6041

For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)

出し h

Information translated up to one year prior is displayed below. Please note that this information is out of date. 



(English Follows)




市立野洲病院 院長 前川 聡








  • 市内に3か月以上住所があるか、市内で6か月以上働いている人

  • 税金などを遅れなく払っている人

  • いまいっしょに住んでいる、またはこれからいっしょに住む家族がある人

  • 住む人たち全員の1か月の収入合計が15万8000円以下の人

  • 住む家に困っている人

  • 申込をする人およびいっしょに住む人が暴力団員でないこと

募集期間…1月7日㈫~20日㈪ 午前8時30分~午後5時、㈯・㈰・祝日は申し込みできません。

募集住宅…木部団地 小篠原団地 永原第一団地 新上屋団地 和田団地 


申し込み・問い合わせ…建築住宅課 ☏587-6322 FAX587-6960






日 時…1月19日(日)午前10~午後1時ごろ

場 所…近江富士花緑公園、里の家に集まってください。

費 用…1500円(小学校にまだ行っていない子供は500円)どなたでも参加できます。

申し込み・問い合わせ…近江富士花緑公園ふるさと館 ☏586-1930 FAX586-4084



内 容…ISAUROによるインカの踊り、マリアが行く、琵琶湖周航のうた、また君に恋しているなど。

問い合わせ…野洲市音楽のあるまちづくり実行委員会 青木☏090-3262-5421



Construction to begin on the new Yasu Hospital

A Message from Yasu Hospital Director, Satoshi Maekawa


This year, work on the new Yasu Hospital building will finally begin. A ceremony to mark the start of construction will be held in February, and work on the building will begin in March. The new hospital is scheduled to open in March 2027. In the new hospital, inpatient wards, outpatient departments and the medical check-up centre will be larger and easier to find. Of course, functions such as surgery, testing and rehabilitation will also be much improved. We will have strong links with Shiga University of Medical Science, and we will have excellent doctors coming to the hospital. Together with the nurses and rehabilitation staff, we will provide team care that is ‘close to the patient’. Considering that the number of elderly people will increase in the future, we aim to focus on surgery and treatment of ‘orthopaedic diseases’. We will also focus on ‘convalescent rehabilitation’ in order to help patients return home after surgery. We are also considering the establishment of a ward where elderly people living alone who cannot recuperate at home can spend a certain period of time with peace of mind. The aim is to create a hospital that is stable in terms of management, is specialised in orthopaedics and rehabilitation, and accepts patients with ordinary illnesses such as cough, fever and abdominal pain. Furthermore, we would like to serve as a regional hospital that links advanced medical care to home care. The Yasu Municipal Hospital will promote the health of the citizens and the creation of a safe and secure community. We ask for your deep understanding and great support.



City Housing Available

Number of houses offered ... 13 (expected move-in date / 1 April)

Those eligible to apply must meet all of the following conditions (1) to (6).

(i) People who have lived in the city for at least three months or worked in the city for at least six months.

(ii) Those who have paid their taxes without delay.

(iii) People who live with family or who will be living with a family in the future.

(iv) The total monthly income of all residents is less than 158,000 yen.

(v) People who are struggling to find a place to live.

(vi) Applicants and those who live with them must not be affiliated to any criminal gang.

Application period...7 Jan (Tues) - 20 Jan (Mon) 8.30am - 5pm; applications are not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.

Location of Housing: Kibe Danchi, Koshinohara Danchi, Nagahara Daiichi Danchi, Shinkamiya Danchi, Wada Danchi. 

For more information on fees, common expenses, parking, etc., see ‘PR Yasu January 2025 Kurashi no Joho’.

For application and enquiries please contact the Building and Housing Division ☏587-6322 FAX587-6960


Local Event Information

Old-fashioned Games and Rice Cooked in a Kamado

Experience old games in a straw-roofed house. Cook rice in a kamado and eat pork miso soup.

Date and time ... Sunday 19 January, 10am - 1pm

Place: Gather at Omi Fuji Karyoku Park and Sato no Ie

Cost...1,500 yen (500 yen for infants) All are welcome.

Application/enquiries: ☏586-1930, fax 586-4084, Omi Fuji Karyoku Park Furusato Kan.

Andean Music Concert

Date, place, cost: Sunday, 19 Jan. from 1:30pm (doors open from 1pm), Yasu Cultural Hall, free of charge.

Schedule: Inca dances by ISAURO, Maria Goes, Songs of Lake Biwa, I'm in Love with You Again, etc.

Enquiries: Yasu City Music Town Development Executive Committee, Aoki ☏090-3262-5421

For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)

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(English Follows)





西川(にしかわ)貴(たか)教(のり)さん 国内外での輝かしい活躍と地域振興に多大なる貢献!


西川さんのコメント: この大変光栄な賞をいただき、心より感謝します。私は皆さんが喜んでいただけることを嬉しいと思っています。野洲市のメンバーとして、音楽を通じて少しでもお役に立てるように頑張ります。これからもよろしく応援してください。


福永(ふくなが)凌太(りょうた)さん パリ2024パラリンピック陸上男子400m(T13)銀メダル獲得!


福永さんのコメント: このたびは、表彰していただき本当にありがとうございます。私は滋賀県のことがすごく好きです。今は滋賀県から離れていますが、また私は自分のこと、また滋賀県、野洲市を少しでも多くの人に知ってもらいたいです。そのために私は先頭を走るランナーとして戦っているのだと思っています。野洲市に住む皆さんは、地元をしっかり守り固めて、私が帰ってくる場所をもっともっと楽しくしてほしいと強く願っています。













日 時…12月15日(日)午後1時30分~(開場/午後1時~)

場 所…コミセンみかみ

内 容…ホワイトクリスマス、クリスマスイブ、きよしこの夜、赤鼻のトナカイなど

※無料 どなたでも参加できます。

問い合わせ…野洲市音楽のあるまちづくり実行委員会 青木☏090-3626-5421



Yasu City's Inaugural Citizen's Honour Awards

Yasu City established the Citizen's Honour Award on the occasion of the city's 20th anniversary. This year, two people have received the award.


Takanori Nishikawa
Displaying brilliance both at home and abroad, Nishikawa has made a significant contribution to regional development!

Since his debut in 1996, Nishikawa has been active in many fields, including five appearances in the NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen, overseas live performances, acting and voice acting. In 2008, he was appointed a Shiga Hometown Tourism Ambassador and led the Inazuma Rock Festival in Shiga Prefecture, boosting local culture and tourism.

Mr Nishikawa: "I am sincerely grateful to receive this very prestigious award. I am delighted that you are all pleased. As a member of Yasu City, I will do my best to help in any way I can through music. Please continue to support me in the future".

Ryota Fukunaga

Ryota Fukunaga won a silver medal in the men's 400m (T13) at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games!

Fukunaga was diagnosed with intractable pyramidal dystrophy in the fourth grade of primary school, but continued to compete in athletics as an able-bodied athlete. However, he switched to para-athletics during his university years. He later won a gold medal in the 400m at the Paris 2023 World Para Athletics Championships and became a top para-athletics runner.

Mr Fukunaga: "Thank you so much for this award. I like Shiga Prefecture very much. Now I am away from Shiga Prefecture, but I also want as many people as possible to know about me, Shiga Prefecture and Yasu City. I believe that is why I am fighting as a front-runner. I strongly hope that everyone in Yasu City will look after their hometown and make the place I am coming back to even more enjoyable".



Information on the Schooling Assistance Scheme

There is a system under which families who find difficulty in sending children to Yasu Municipal Primary and Junior High Schools due to financial reasons are partially subsidised for school supplies, school lunches and other expenses.

How to apply ... Fill in the application form and submit it to each school or the School Affairs Division (Human Rights Centre, 2nd floor).

*Application forms are available at each school and at the School Affairs Division. It can also be downloaded from the city website.

*The application form must show the bank transfer account.

If approved, the financial aid will be paid from the month following the month of application.

Enquiries... School Affairs Division ☏587-6017, fax 587-3835



Local Event News

Xmas songs and fun - YY Music and friends

Date and time: 15 December (Sun), 1:30pm- (doors open at 1:00pm-)

Place: Community Centre Mikami

Scheduled Performances: White Christmas, Christmas Eve, Silent Night, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, etc.

*Free-of-charge. All very welcome.

Please direct enquiries to Aoki at the Yasu City Music Town Development Executive Committee ☏090-3626-5421

For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)

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(English Follows)



新しい野洲市長 櫻本 直樹(さくらもと なおき)のごあいさつ








大切な指針は、「健全な行財政運営で持続可能なまちにする」ことです。まちづくりと財政の健全化を同時に考えていかなければなりません。まちをつくるのは、一人一人の市民。そう、“あなた”なのです。また “あれもこれも”から“あれがこれが”の選択と集中が必要です。これには市役所だけでなく、議会や市民の皆さんの理解と協力必要です。ぜひ一緒に野洲の未来を創っていきましょう。




日 時…2024年11月17日(日) 午後1時30分~4時20分(会場/午後1時)

場 所…野洲文化ホール大ホール

対 象…どなたでも、先着1000人程度 ※事前の申し込みは不要です

  1. 記念式典 午後1時30分~2時:オープニングセレモニー 記念動画「わたしたちの野洲」上映

  2. アトラクション 午後3時30分~4時20分:Yasu 20th anniversary Live~jizue~




日 時…11月23日㈷ 午前9時30分~正午

場 所…近江富士花緑公園、希望が丘文化公園散策コース

    (集合・受付/午前9時~9時20分 近江富士公園植物園にて)

対 象…どなたでも ※小学生以下は保護者と一緒に参加してください。

参加費…無料 ※ストックを無料貸し出しします。

申し込み・問い合わせ…11月15日㈮までにスポーツ振興課 ☏516-4568 FAX587-6961



Greetings from the new Mayor of Yasu, Naoki Sakuramoto

I am pleased to be the new Mayor of Yasu City; thanks to the strong support I have received from many citizens. In order to live up to the many expectations I have received, I endeavor to listen carefully to everyone's voice and work for Yasu City to the very best of my ability, with due seriousness and diligence. I want to make Yasu a city where the residents can continue to live happily and safely, and where further progress can be made. To this end, I would like to announce three core policies for town development as well as one important guideline.


The first policy is to ‘make the city the choice of the younger generation’. A town chosen by young people is full of vitality, which will lead to the town's attractiveness. Yasu City should be a city where it is easy to raise children. Yasu City should provide a safe environment where any child can receive an education. As well as other areas, we will promote the development of the area in front of the station for young people and child-rearing generations. We will also create a town where people want to continue to live and return. This is what we want to tackle first and foremost.


The second policy is to ‘make the city safe, secure and enjoyable for the elderly’. It is important that older people are healthy and enjoy their daily lives. We believe that this is achieved through exercise and social participation. The town will work together with residents to extend healthy life expectancy. An increase in the number of healthy elderly people will also lead to more economic activity and a greater number of people actively participating in society.


The third policy is to aid the city in making the most of the power of citizens and the private sector. Citizens must always be central to town planning. On the other hand, it is also important for citizens to actively participate in town planning as their own concern, rather than leaving it to others. Yasu City also needs to make more use of the power of business. An environment that encourages companies to invest and expand is needed.


An important guiding principle is to make the city sustainable through sound administrative and financial management. We have to think about town development and financial soundness at the same time. It is each and every citizen who makes the city. Yes, it is ‘you’. We also need to maintain focus and to strive to make the best available choices. This requires the understanding and cooperation not only of the city hall, but also of the council and all citizens. Let's create the future of Yasu together.



Ceremony to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Formation of Yasu City

On October 1st 2024, Yasu City turned twenty years old. We will hold a ceremony to celebrate with our citizens.

Date: November 17th, 2024 (Sunday) 1:30pm~4:20pm (Entry from 1pm)

Location: Yasu Cultural Hall, Main Hall

Who: Anyone is welcome. About 1,000 people on first-come first-served basis. ※No prior registration necessary.

Part 1 (Ceremony)   1:30pm~2pm: Opening Ceremony, Commemorative Short Film (Watashitachi no Yasu)

Part 2 (Performance) 3:30pm~4:20pm  Yasu 20th Anniversary live performance by ~jizue~



18th Annual Stock Walking

Get together outdoors and connect to nature!


In the vibrant autumn season, come and enjoy stock walking with us. A teacher from the Japan Nordic Walking Federation and Yasu City Sports Promotion Committee members will be on hand for support and guidance.
Date: November 23rd (Public Holiday) 9:30am~Noon
Location: Omi Fuji Karyoku Park, Kibogaoka Culture Park Walking Course

(Meeting/ Registration: 9:00am~9:20am at Omi Fuji Park Botanical Garden)

Eligibility: Anyone is welcome ※Elementary school aged and below must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Fee: Free ※Stocks will be lent free of charge
To apply (or for any inquiries): Please apply by November 15th (Friday) to the Sports Promotion Division

For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)

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(English Follows)





① さざなみ寄席 

日時…10月26日(土) 午後2時30分~(開場午後2時~)​

入場料…無料 ※整理券必要 自由席 ※都合により出場者が変更になる場合があります。

② さざなみホール~ さようならコンサート

日時…11月2日(土) 午後1時30分~(開場午後1時~)


入場料…無料 ※整理券必要 自由席 ※都合により出場者が変更になる場合があります。

①②の整理券を渡す場所 (いずれも日曜日お休み)一人6枚まで渡します。

さざなみホール☏589-3105 FAX589-3105(受付/午前9時~午後5時)

野洲文化ホール☏587-1950 FAX586-1563(受付/午前9時~午後5時)

野洲図書館  ☏518-2583 FAX587-5976(受付/午前10時~午後6時)※野洲図書館は①のみ渡します

➂ さざなみ演奏会 ~さざなみ音楽教室発表会~



入場料…無料 自由席

問い合わせ…野洲文化ホール ☏587-1950 FAX586-1563





問い合わせ…協働推進課 ☏587-6043 FAX587-4033





日 時…11月3日㈷午前9時50分~午後3時30分ごろ 先着80人

内 容…JR野洲駅南口集合→バス乗車⇒→辻町下車→桜生史跡公園(甲山古墳)銅鐸博物館(見学・庭園で昼食)→福林寺跡摩崖仏→妙光寺山摩崖仏→稲荷神社→中山道経由→野洲駅南口解散

(行程約6km、バス⇒ 徒歩→)



Sazanami Hall to Close on Friday 27 December

Three cultural facilities in Yasu will be consolidated. As a result, Sazanami Hall will be integrated into Yasu Bunka Hall. The following is a list of events that will be held at the hall until then. We look forward to seeing you there.

(1) Sazanami Entertainment Hall

Date & time: 26 Oct (Sat), 2:30pm- (doors open at 2:00pm-)

Performers: Shokotei Bakusho, Appurutei Orenji, Shokotei Ekubo.

Admission: Free *Numbered tickets required.


(2) Sazanami Hall - Farewell Concert

Date & time: 2 Nov (Sat), 1:30pm- (doors open at 1:00pm-)

Performers ... Yasu Brass Band, Yasu Brass Band Junior Band, Chuzu Junior High School Brass Band, Chorus Tanpopo

Admission ... Free *Numbered tickets required (non-reserved seating)


Locations where tickets for (1) and (2) are handed out (All closed on Sundays.): (Up to six numbered tickets per person)

Sazanami Hall ☏589-3105 FAX589-3105 (reception/9am-5pm)

Yasu Cultural Hall ☏587-1950 FAX586-1563 (Reception/9am-5pm)

Yasu Library ☏518-2583 FAX587-5976 (Reception/10am-6pm) *Yasu Library gives only tockets for (1).
*Up to six numbered tickets per person


(3) Sazanami Concert - Sazanami Music School Presentation

The fruits of the students’ daily practice will be presented. Please check the website for dates and times.

Performers: Tsujita Violin School, Yamane Violin School, Matsuzaki Cello School, Aso Clarinet School

Admission: Free of charge (non-reserved seating)

Enquiries: Yasu Cultural Hall ☏587-1950 FAX586-1563

Yasu City Community Bus ‘Onoriyasu’ Location-based App ‘MOKUIKU’

From 1st October (Tuesday), the location-based app `MOKUIKU` will allow users to select a bus stop and see the schedule of upcoming buses. They include notices, passing bus markings, route names, destinations, fixed times and congestion information. You can also use ‘Favourites’ and ‘Bookmarks’ to keep track of buses anytime, anywhere. The location information app ‘Oshirase Viewer’ currently in use will end its service on 31st March 2025 (Monday).

Enquiries: Cooperation Promotion Section ☏587-6043 FAX587-4033


Bulletin Board

The 175th Oideyasu Hiking Tour
Yasu City's golden course for historical sightseeing, visiting ancient burial mounds, bronze bells and Buddha cliffs.


This year marks the 400th anniversary of the birth of Kitamura Kigin, who wrote the commentary to The Tale of Genji. This hike will also take in an exhibition commemorating this anniversary (curators will be on hand to explain). At Sakurabasama Historical Park, you will visit the Kouyama Kofun burial ground with its sarcophagus made of Aso tuff.

Date and time: 3rd November (Public Holiday) 9:50am - around 3:30pm, first 80 people to arrive.

Schedule: Gather at the south exit of JR Yasu Station → Board a bus → Get off at Tsuji-cho → Sakurabasama Historical Park (Kouyama Kofun) Dotaku Museum (visit and lunch in the garden) → Fukurin Temple Cliff Carving of Buddha → Mount Myokoji Cliff Carving of Buddha  → Inari Shrine → Via Nakasendo→ Finish at the south exit of Yasu Station

(approx. 6 km, bus → walk →)

For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)



(English Follows)









                 ☏567-5560 受付/午前10時~正午 午後1時~9時 


      ☏558-1866(受付/午前10時~午後5時~9時 土曜・日曜日、祝日、年始年末は除く)


問い合わせ…健康推進課☏588-1788 FAX586-3668









費用:一般500円/人、ルシオールM2スポ300円/人 ※傷害保険を含む 先着10人


水源の森 オータムフェスタ 滋賀の森を楽しむイベント!








問い合わせ:滋賀県森林政策課 ☏528-3918



September 10th~16th is Suicide Prevention Week

In Japan, more than 20,000 people commit suicide each year. Therefore, nationwide efforts are being made to create a society in which all people are cherished as individuals without shadow of doubt, a society in which no one is driven to suicide.

Suicide is caused not only by mental problems, but also by overwork, poverty, exhaustion from childcare and nursing care, bullying, isolation, and many other factors. Being driven to suicide is said to be “a crisis that can happen to anyone. If you are in distress, please speak to someone. If you cannot talk to someone face to face, please call the counseling center. Also, if you notice that someone you care about is having problems, please talk to them. Don't struggle alone, talk to someone. You may find a solution.

 ◆‘Inochi’ SOS 

 ◆’Yorosoi’ Hotline (free phone consultation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) 

 ◆Mental health consultation hotline
     ☏0570-064-556  *callers will be connected to the local public consultation organization 

   ◆Mental health counseling by phone
     ☏567-5560       Reception: 10:00 a.m. to noon 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m

 ◆Yasu City Health and Welfare Center: Dedicated Phoneline for Consultation on Heart and Life      ☏558-1866 (Available from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and the end of the New Year)

*There are other consultation centers for various concerns in addition to those listed above. Inquiries: Health Promotion Section ☏588-1788 FAX586-3668

*TELL is a resource for free English-language mental health support in Japan, including a tollfree lifeline (visit for more information)


Drone Class for Beginners

A class for anyone who is interested in drones! Beginners welcome. Come and try flying a large drone on a large soccer field!

Date and time: November 3rd (Sunday), (in case of rain rescheduled to November 10th)

Group 1: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (Registration / 9:00 a.m. -)

Group 2: 11:00 a.m. - Noon (Registration / 10:30 a.m. -)

Location: Big Lake Soccer Field, Court A (artificial turf),

Cost: ¥500/person, ¥300/person for Luciole Sports Club members
*Includes accident insurance
*First 10 applicants



Suigen no Mori Autumn Festa: Enjoy Shiga's Forests!

An event full of attractions of mountains and forests will be held, including exhibits and hands-on experiences to familiarize yourself with forests and trees, demonstrations of forestry techniques, and more!

Date: Saturday, October 5, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m (current schedule)

Location: Omi Fuji Flower Garden (Botanical Garden)

Description: All welcome. Free of charge.

Booths for exhibits and experiences related to forests and wood such as playing with wooden toys, and food booths selling wild game and more. There will also be stage events such as chainsaw art, and gifts of wooden products.

Co-organizer: Omi Fuji Rakuen Partners

Inquiries: Forest Policy Division, Shiga Prefecture ☏528-3918

For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)

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(English Follows)


2025年度 保育所(園)・認定こども園・小規模保育園・幼稚園の申し込み


受付期間…9月24日㈫~28日・30日㈪ 午前9時~午後5時 9月28日㈯は午後4時まで

受付期間…9月24日㈫~27日㈮・30日㈪ 午後2時30分~5時

問い合わせ…こども課 ☏587-6052,FAX586-2176




日 時…8月24日㈯ 午前11時~午後8時 ※小雨でもやります
場 所…JR野洲駅南口駅前広場
対 象…だれでも参加できます
内 容…兵主太鼓保存会などのパフォーマンス、キッズダンス、チアダンス、Liveステージ、ファミリーレストランLive, 江州音頭、くじ引き、地元野菜の直売、キッチンカー、行灯(あんどん)、子ども屋台(やたい)

問い合わせ…おいで野洲まるかじり協議会事務局(農林水産課内)☏587-6004 FAX587-3834





親子や友達とテーブルゲームで遊びませんか? ルール説明をスタッフがします。そして一緒に遊びます。
日 時…8月17日㈯ 午前10時~正午 いつ来て、いつ帰ってもいいです。無料です。
場 所…野洲図書館本館会議室

▽近江富士花緑公園 生き物調査体験 公園内にいる生き物を調べます。

日 時…8月2日㈯ 午前10時~11時30分 近江富士花緑公園ふれあい館
問い合わせ…☏586-1930 FAX586-4084 Eメール

Application for Nursery Schools for the 2025 Academic Year

If you are interested in enrolling your child in a preschool facility from the academic year of 2025, application forms will be available at each facility and at the Children’s Division at City Hall from Monday, August 26. The number of children to be admitted and details on application are written in the September issue of the ‘Koho Yasu’ newspaper and the ‘Admission and Enrollment Guidebook’. Please refer to the Yasu City homepage for more information.

Hoikuen Nursery Schools
Application period...9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on September 24 (Tue), 28 and 30 (Sun), and until 4:00 p.m. on September 28 (Thu).
Place of application: 1st Floor Conference Room in the Main Building of City Hall

Yochien Nursery Schools
Application period...September 24th (Tue) to 27th (Fri) and 30th (Sun), 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Place of application...Nursery school facilities where you wish to enroll

Inquiries: Children’s Division ☏ 587-6052, FAX 586-2176

Yasu Festa

The Yasu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Yasu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Youth Club, and the Yasu Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry will come together to hold a major summer event. The event is themed around Yasu's wonderful agriculture, forestry, and fishery products, and includes a market, hands-on activities, and much more for children and adults alike.

This year's guests will include comedians (including Family Restaurant) and artists who live in Shiga Prefecture. There are many plans including talks about local agricultural products, music, and the Goshu Ondo dance. Many people are invited to come and make summer memories together.

Date and Time: August 24 (Saturday) 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. *Held even in light rain.
Place: JR Yasu Station South Exit Station Square
Scheduled Events: Performance by Hyozu Taiko drumming group, kids' dance, cheerleading, live music, Family Restaurant comedy duo, Goshu Ondo, raffle, direct sale of local vegetables, kitchen cars, lanterns, children's stalls (yatai)
Inquiries: Office of Oide Yasu Marukajiri Council (in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Division) ☏587-6004 FAX587-3834

For more information, please visit the website of the Yasu Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Local Events

A Group to Enjoy Board Games

Why don't you play table games with your parents, children and friends? Our staff will explain the rules. Then we will play together.
Date: August 17 (Saturday) 10:00 a.m. to noon You can come anytime and leave anytime. Free of charge.
Place: Yasu Library Main Library Meeting Room
Inquiries: E-mail

Omi Fuji Hanaroku Park: Survey of Creatures in the Park

Date & Time: August 2 (Saturday) 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Fureai-kan, Omi Fuji Karyoku Koen
*3rd grade elementary school students and older (elementary school students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). 500 yen per person (this includes accident insurance)
Inquiries: ☏586-1930 FAX586-4084 E-mail


For any more information or assistance with any of the above,
please don’t hesitate to contact YIFA (TEL 586-3106)

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