ドラゴンカヌー&BBQ (Dragon Canoe Race and BBQ)
ドラゴンカヌー大会に今年もYIFAでを作り出場します!We will be entering the Dragon Canoe Race again this year!

2019年8月18日 8:30
野洲市あやめ浜, 524-0202 野洲市菖蒲
(English follows)
参加費: YIFA会員・外国籍の方 1500円
非会員 2000円
小学生 1000円
小学生未満 500円
バスを利用する方: 8:05 野洲市役所本館 出発
8:20 北部合同庁舎前
Let's make YIFA the winning team this year in the Dragon Canoe Race! We need your help! Come join us on Lake Biwa for this annually sponsored event by the YAsu City Athletics Centre. It is for all to enjoy, whether competing or not. An all-you-can-eat BBQ lunch is provided for everyone so come join us!
Cost: YIFA members/ Foreign Residents 1500 yen
Non-members 2000 yen
Elementary School Students 1000 yen
Children younger than 5 500 yen
For the bus: 8:05 Yasu City Hall (departure)
8:20 North Gov. Building (arrival)
(return fare: 500 yen / departure time will be strictly followed)