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World Watching in English

Thu, 07 Jul




World Watching in English
World Watching in English


07 Jul 2022, 10:00 – 22 Jul 2022, 11:30

コミュニティセンターやす, 日本、〒520-2331 滋賀県野洲市小篠原2142−17



World Watching in English




日  時 : ①7/7(木) ②8(金) ③14(木) ④15(金) ⑤21(木) ⑥22(金)

                               10:00 〜 11:30(全6回)

場  所 : コミュニティセンターやす


講  師 : ① イギリス:Phil

       ② マレーシア:Liyana

       ③ マラウィ:Andrew

                               ④ フィリピン:Jennifer

       ⑤ ニュージーランド:Paul

                               ⑥ アメリカ:Susan

対  象 : 英語を通じて外国の文化を知りたい人

定  員 : 12名 (申込先着順)

受 講 料 : 全6回 / YIFA会員5,000円、非会員7,000円

                          (単発参加 会員1回1,000円、非会員1,500円)

*Message from Phil*

Each seminar will start with a talk about the presenter's home country, followed by a q & a session. 

In the second half, we will focus on a particular topic. We will read an English article and have small-group discussions about different themes. Hopefully we can chat about difficulties that foreign residents have living in a foreign country, especially the foreign people living in Japan. Not 100% decided, but provisionally the topics for each seminar will be...

① Experiences of living in a foreign country  

② Islam (and other religions) in Japan 

③ Race and the BLM movement in Japan 

➃ Working life in Japan

➄ Marriage and family in Japan

➅ Ageing and life as an elderly resident

We will try to keep the discussion free and not too difficult so that everyone can join in and talk about their experiences. For the discussions we will separate into 3 or 4 small groups, each of which will be led by an English-speaking foreign resident. Hope to see you there :-) 


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